Laundry Day

a beautiful woman sitting on a wooden dock washing clothes

Mother’s Day this year brought me the very latest in old-school technology as I experiment with off-grid laundry solutions. I had to order it for myself, because what modern man in his right mind would buy his wife a washboard, tubs, and a wringer as a gift?

When you’ve finished laughing (that stock photo is too funny) I’ll tell you why I’m so thrilled with this decision…

First off, it is currently sunny weather. This is perfect for working over a tub of cold water for a few minutes in the morning and effortlessly drying clothes on the line all day. I don’t know what I will do in rainy weather. Will cross that bridge later.

Secondly, washing clothes this way uses much less water than the machine. On average a modern washing machine will use between 15 and 20 gallons of water per load and the water goes straight down the sewer drain when the cycle is finished. In contrast, when I’ve finished my washing (with bio-degradeable soap, of course) my washtubs are emptied on the flower beds. Win – win.

Thirdly, washing a load of laundry this way is faster, the clothes get cleaner and don’t wear out so quickly. (Hint: All that lint in the washer & dryer come from your clothes!)

It takes me about a half hour to get a full load of wash ready to hang on the line. This is great news for me, because others in the house keep the washer pretty busy, and I’d have to wait in line to even use the thing!

Besides, our power company turns things off at odd times, and specifically suggests that people who are home all day should not use electricity between the hours of 9 and 4. (?!) So, this just makes things easier all around.

-ish. Did I mention I have taken “exercise” off my daily to do list? No need for that with housework to be done!

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